
1) http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/pearl.htm

Website 1 provides many resources for the attack on Pearl Harbor. At the beginning it provides background information like the date and how many people were killed, planes destroyed, and battle ships wrecked. Also it talks about how the attack was a surprise and people had no idea it was going to happen. Something that’s great about this website is quotes from people who survived the attack and their stories on how it all happened. This will be beneficial to students because reading real stories will help them understand how horrible the attack really was and the detrimental effects on the US. Students will store their data they find in a tab provided on the webquest for Resources and findings.

1) http://www.pearl-harbor.com/

Website 2 also provides facts about the attack itself but mainly is a promoting website to tell people to visit Oahu in Hawaii to actually see the harbor. I think this is a good website to have for students to see where it actually happened and encourage them to not only be more interested in WWII, but also want to learn more about it by visiting the actual spot where it all happened. Students will capture this data by reading the important facts about the actual site where WWII occurred as well as gain more knowledge about the attack. They will store the data in the tab for Resources.

1) http://www.navsource.org/Naval/arph.htm

Website 3 is strictly pictures, which is extremely beneficial especially after visiting website 2 and not being able to visit the site, students can get a grasp of what it was actually like at Pearl Harbor during the attack. Seeing the pictures maybe will help the students realize even more how horrible this event was. Students may want to store these images in a different place than the actual written information about Pearl Harbor but I think having pictures provided will help the students grasp the concept better.